We recently had the pleasure of working on this beautiful Orlando-based residence in need of privacy and heat rejection. Their main focus was adding privacy to their bathroom and heat rejection to their bedroom and some of the living spaces. We set up a free consultation and had our team come out to see them.
They took measurements and brought them samples to look at and choose from. The free consultation also allows the homeowners time to ask questions and address any concerns they have. The bathroom had large windows that were fantastic for allowing in natural light but also provided a full view into the room.
For the bathroom, they opted for a frosted tint. Frosted tints are excellent for providing privacy but still allow in natural light. It’s an excellent alternative to etched glass and a more affordable option as well. This frosted tint is also versatile and can be modified to include logos and branding as well as other designs.
For their bedroom and living spaces, they opted for a reflective heat-reducing tint. This excellent heat-reducing tint will significantly reduce heat and increase comfort as well as minimize glare. It will offer UV protection and help protect your belongings from the sun’s harmful rays.
Call 407-542-6031 to schedule your free consultation or Click Here