The owners of this beautiful Orlando home reached out to us because they were in need of drastically reducing heat in several rooms. They were particularly wanting to cool down their office, living room, and restroom with a heat-blocking window tint. When they reached out to us they were under the impression that reducing heat meant they would have to sacrifice light as well. Our consultants were able to present them with options that would reduce heat significantly without having to lose the natural light they love.
They opted for a practically undetectable ceramic window tint that offers high heat rejection which also means it will help reduce your energy costs because your HVAC won’t have to work so hard to keep your house cool. Aside from reducing heat, this virtually-clear ceramic tint will offer UV protection and will reduce glare so you can better enjoy the spaces in your home where you were previously struggling with the heat.
Call 407-542-6031 to schedule your free consultation or Click Here