We recently had the pleasure of adding tint to this new construction. This beautiful Winter Park residence needed privacy for its bathroom area. Their bathtub was located close to the corner of the room but with a large window on either wall.

They had the option of tinted glass but wanted something semi-permanent in case they ever decided to update or change the room’s aesthetic. Since the large windows are also an excellent source of light, they wanted to make sure that some of that would remain although often, with natural light comes unwanted heat. Although their priority was privacy, they welcomed any options that would reduce heat.

They opted for a dark neutral tint that’s excellent when it comes to reducing heat. It will provide privacy without a metallic look on the exterior. Glare and interior reflections are minimized so their view is better enjoyed. They’ll have the privacy they desired as well as added comfort, all backed by a lifetime residential warranty.
Call 407-542-6031 to schedule your free consultation or Click Here